Monday, January 13, 2014

Let The Children Come To Me

This past Sunday, Trenton & Jenna had Kase dedicated to our Lord.  What a blessed day!  Most of our family was there and afterwards, Jenna and T had us all over for a gathering at their sweet home.  Here's a few pictures from church.

Jonah & Kase
Heidi, Cristiano & Maddox
Jordan, Jennie & Maddox
Jason, Heidi & Cristiano

I LOVE THIS PIC!  Look at Kase watching and listening to his Pompa!
The after party at Jenna and Trenton's house...
Tonya & Tara
Grandma Barbara, Kase, & Kaylee Grace
Jim & Lyn
Keegan, Kolson, Brodie & Steven 
Michelle & Frances
Michelle, Tess, & Courtney
Jenna & Jenny
Mark & Sam
Mimi, Cristiano, & Jennie
Keegan, Kolson, Pompa, & Emme
Guy & Phyllis
Don, Pompa, & Trenton
Gran Suka with Maddox & Kase
Mimi, Maddox, Kase, Gran Suka, & Jenna
Jordan & Pompa
Tara & Kase
Grammy, Jenna, & Frances
Star of the show!
This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it!

Sunday, January 12, 2014

30 Years

January 7, 1994, I married the man of my dreams.  Most of you know him, so I really don't have to explain myself.  God has truly blessed me with the greatest gift ever.....a Godly man who has been the best soul mate and partner for 30 years. 

We went to Jr. High and High School together and both sang in the choir at Northwest Church.  We didn't start dating until my 1st semester at Fresno State, and that was it!  MAGIC!  Below was our engagement picture that was in the Fresno Bee.  And after that, some wedding pictures and then pictures along the way.

I'll have to admit that our marriage has been a great one.  I believe it's great because our foundation is built on Jesus Christ.  We share our faith which guides all of our decisions in life.  We've had a few bumps and bruises, but we said, "I do." for LIFE in front of God, our friends, and our families.  And with His grace, we will be able to carry out our vows for LIFE!

We had a wonderful celebration at "FIVE" and Mitch surprised me with a beautiful necklace called, "JOURNEY."  Yes, it's been a journey, but a wonderful one.  I am the most blessed woman alive!